Wonder Stories

Mathew K J Wonderla Wonder Stories

 Powering Innovation 

Wonderla Park provides a convenient locker facility to our guests that can be used throughout the day to store personal items with ease. We always make sure that the valuables and belongings of our guests are safe with us in the locker. However, operating and maintaining such a facility require huge investment and effort every year. Every locker requires frequent battery change and related maintenance.

When thinking about an alternate solution, Mathew K J came forward with an innovative solution of conceptualized power sourcing the lockers with the electrical supply. With the help of his colleagues in the electrical department, he performed the modification for 16 cabinets. All these units are running successfully after the amendment for the past 45 days. Now, the plan is to modify the entire cabinets at Kochi post running a successful pilot project. These modifications will not only help us operate efficiently but will also result in a cost saving of approx. Rs. 3 Lakh per year.

 Call of Duty: Special Ops 

In the month of November’19, a complaint was raised by a guest about a missing gold chain near the locker area. According to the guest, the chain must have been lost in the changing room. It was a difficult task to find the lost gold chain with a constant moving crowd inside the changing room. Ashok BR our security staff took the initiative to scan all the CCTV cameras of the Park, however, they failed to spot anything.

The next day he arrived earlier for his shift and again started checking the footage and eventually found that a person took the gold chain from the changing room area. It was a challenging task to identify and extract information of the guest who took the gold chain. However, Ashoka did not lose hope. After further investigation, he found the same guest at the ticket counter area. The guest purchased ticket using a credit card. Through credit card transaction details, Ashoka tried collecting information about the guest and after connecting missing dots, he was successful in reaching him and finally recovering the lost gold chain which was then handed over to the right owner.

Ashoka B R Wonderla Wonder Stories

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